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"If someone feels that they had never made a mistake in their life, then it means they had never tried a new things in their life"
Albert Einstein---

CS55 / CS2305 - Programming Paradigms - University Questions

MAY/JUNE - 2011

PART A - (10 x 2 = 20)

  1. What is the default access to a member in a class?
  2. What is a package?
  3. How to prevent inheritance?
  4. Differentiate copying and cloning.
  5. What is a JPanel object?
  6. What method is used to distinguish between single, double and triple mouse clicks?
  7. Why generic programming is required?
  8. What are Wildcard Types?
  9. Mention the two mechanisms for protecting a code block from concurrent access.
  10. What do you mean by MIN_PRIORITY?

PART B - (5 x 16 = 80)

  1. (a) How Strings are handled in java? Explain with code, the creation of Substring, Concatenation and testing for equality.[16]
    (b) Explain with an example the following features of Constructors: [16]
        (i) Overloaded constructors

        (ii) A Call to another constructor with this operator
        (iii) An object initialization bloc
        (iv)  A static initialization block
  1. (a) What is dynamic binding? How it is achieved? [16]
    (b) (i) Explain interfaces with example. [8]
    (ii) Compare interfaces and abstract classes. [8]
  1. (a) Explain swing and JFrame with a helloworld program. [16]
    (b) How Model View Controller design pattern is achieved? [16]
  1. (a) How generic methods and generic expressions are translated? [16]
    (b) Explain in details, the inheritance rules for generic types. [16]
  1. (a) Explain the procedure for running a task in a separate thread and running multiple threads. [16]                               [OR]
    (b) Explain the states of threads and how the thread is interrupted?
NOV/DEC - 2011

PART A — (10 × 2 = 20 marks)

  1. What is meant by private access specifier?
  2. What is the need for javadoc multiline comments?
  3. What is meant by dynamic method dispatch?
  4. What is object cloning?
  5. Differentiate GridBagLayout from GridLayout.
  6. What is meant by window adapter classes?
  7. List out the motivation needed in generic programming.
  8. How will create throw exception in exception handling?
  9. What is meant by notify methods in multithreading?
  10. How will interrupt threads in multiple windows?
PART B — (5 × 16 = 80 marks)

  1. (a) Explain briefly about object oriented programming concepts differ from structured programming concepts. [16]
(b) Write a java program for push and pop operations in stack using arrays in classes and object. [16]
  1. (a) Explain briefly about multilevel inheritance with neat example. [16]
    (b) Explain how inner classes and anonymous classes works in java program. [16]
  2. (a) Write an applet program to draw an flower with color packages. [16]
    (b) Write short notes on
    (i)   JLabel [4] 
    (ii)  JButton [4] 
    (iii) Layout managers in Java Swing [8]
  1. (a) Explain briefly about generic classes and methods in Java programming. [16][OR]
    (b) Explain briefly about user defined exceptions and stack trace elements in exception handling mechanisms. [16]
  1. (a) Explain briefly about thread synchronization in multithreading concepts. [16][OR]
    (b) (i) Explain thread states in concurrent programming with an example. [8]
    (ii) Explain the life cycle of threads in multithreading environment. [8]

MAY/JUNE - 2012

PART A — (10 × 2 = 20 marks)

  1. What do you mean by instance variables?
  2. Mention the purpose of finalize method.
  3. What are the conditions to be satisfied while declaring abstract classes?
  4. Define inheritance.
  5. How do you manage the color and font of a graphics in applet?
  6. Mention any four event names of a button component.
  7. What do you mean by reflection?
  8. What is an exception?
  9. What is multithreading?
  10. Write note on synchronization.
PART B — (5 × 16 = 80 marks)

  1. (a) Write a java program to sort ten names in descending order. [16][OR]
    (b) Explain string handling classes in Java with examples. [16]
  1. (a) Give an elaborate discussion on inheritance. [16][OR]
    (b) Differentiate method overloading and method overriding. Explain both with an example program. [16]
  1. (a) Explain any five swing components with an example program. [16][OR]
    (b) Discuss Mouse Listener and Mouse Motion Listener. Give an example program. [16]
  1. (a) Explain the following [16]
    (i) Generic classes 
    (ii) Generic methods
    (b) Discuss on Exception handling in detail. [16]
  1. (a) Explain the following (i) States of a thread with a neat diagram. [10]
    Thread priorities. [6]
    (b) Write a java application that illustrate the use of multithreading. Explain the same with sample input. [16]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

roll no (31):-> Thanku very much sir!!!!!

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Marthandam, Tamilnadu, India